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From the underground, Zuachzer continues to harass the victim, who is admitted to permanent custody

Thursday, January 5, 2023 | 3:23 p.m.

Adrián Zuachzer (26) has been a fugitive for 14 days today. He is the subject who on December 22 tried to murder her ex-partner, Marcia Noemí Mattoso (27), stabbing her 13 times in front of her minor children in a square in the town of Villa Bonita, municipality of Campo Ramón .

After the attack, he escaped and his hiding place is apparently a mystery because the Police cannot find him despite the fact that he himself admitted a few days ago in the digital newspaper Noticias de Acá that it continues in Misiones.

The victim, meanwhile, was hospitalized in intensive care, where she underwent emergency surgery and showed an evolution considered miraculous due to the serious internal injuries resulting from the thrusts. A few days ago she went to a common room and given Zuachzer’s status as a fugitive and dangerousness, it was judicially ordered that he have permanent custody, so there is a police guard 24 hours a day when he is hospitalized.

However, the extreme violence that he exerted on the mother of his children and that almost ended his life does not seem to be enough for the attacker, who continues to harass the victim from hiding through his different Facebook profiles.

On Saturday night, just over two hours before the start of the New Year, he wrote to Marcia from his hiding place, without getting a response: “I know you’re having a shitty end of the year but I wish you the best in the world and that Be very happy,” he wrote.

In that same message, he repeated the typical behavior of violent people that the victim’s parents reflected when they spoke with El Territorio. “Sorry, sorry for doing that to you, I will pay with my life, I promise Noe,” he wrote, marking an alleged repentance and the consequent request for forgiveness that, according to the parents, appeared after each one of the attacks suffered by the young woman. .

Zuachzer, looking for a kind of redemption and trying to show pity, blaming the victim, also threatened: “You will see me in a drawer because what I did cannot be forgiven.”

He unusually closed by saying “I just want you to know that I love you and I love my children”, and asked “visit me at my grave please please”.

Shortly before midnight, the fugitive criminal appeared again to write him “I love you” and four minutes into 2023 he wished him “happy new year” along with two emojis with sad and crying faces.

Not getting any kind of response, at 2:15 on January 1 he wrote “sorry”, as a sign of the impunity with which he handles himself and the harassment suffered by the victim who is slowly recovering in the hospital.

posts and messages

To show the level of danger and violence that Zuachzer exerted on Mattoso, it is enough to state that about an hour after savagely attacking the young woman, already a fugitive, he continued to write to her in a private chat, placing the blame on her and threatening with taking his own life, beyond saying “I love you”.

“Why did you do that,” he wrote from one of his accounts to the woman he wanted to kill, just at 00:12 on Friday, December 23, that is, just over an hour after the attack.

He insisted with another message at 03:58 in which he wrote in a threatening tone and trying to justify himself: “Why did you send if you were going to be with that garbage, what do you have in your head?”

After several days, from the same Facebook he wrote again but this time trying to victimize himself: “You will get out of that, if you leave I’ll go with you, I swear and I love you, I never thought we would get to that. You are strong, you will be okay”. Horror.

Beyond that, the publications that he makes while he is allegedly being searched are in the area of ​​the coastal route with the Uruguay River in the background and also one that would be in his mother’s house, saying “I always asked you not to let that happen “, again blaming the victim for the femicide attempt.

According to what the victim’s parents recounted, for around nine years of their relationship there was physical and verbal violence, threats of all kinds, even the intentional burning of a house where they lived in Alba Posse and repeated complaints, requests for aid that the authorities never took seriously. “For nine years he made my daughter’s life hell,” they said.

The Oberá Regional Unit II reported that “investigative and intelligence tasks” continue to detain Zuachzer jointly between the Villa Bonita police stations, Alba Posse, Santa Rita radio command, Investigations, Infantry and units of the Unit Regional XI of Aristóbulo del Valle.

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