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Frying an omelette: You should avoid these mistakes

For many, the perfect breakfast simply includes the omelette. However, there are a few things to consider when preparing it. What matters most.

The most important things at a glance

An omelet is a popular egg dish. The difference to scrambled eggs is that the omelette is not chopped up in the pan, but is prepared as a whole.

Recipe: Prepare an omelette

The classic basic omelette recipe only needs three ingredients – and is quickly fried with the right technique. What needs to be on the shopping list?

  • 2 to 3 eggs
  • salt for seasoning
  • butter for frying
  1. First, put the eggs in a bowl and season with the salt.
  2. Beat the eggs with a whisk until fluffy.
  3. Then heat some butter in the pan and add the egg mixture.
  4. Using the back of a fork, stir the scrambled eggs in the pan until they start to set but are still creamy. Then the omelette is ready.

100 grams of omelet have around 160 kilocalories (kcal).

The right pan for the omelet

Professional chefs use special omelet pans. These are only used for making omelettes, because any leftovers from other foods will make the eggs stick and you won’t be able to shape the omelet as easily.

In addition, the transition from the bottom to the somewhat steeper and higher edge of these pans is rounded. This makes it easier to roll up the food.

You can make an omelet even easier in an omelette maker.

Omelet: Don’t make these mistakes

It is important that you do not leave the omelette in the pan for too long and that it does not turn brown. In addition to the taste, the creamy mouthfeel suffers as a result.

The right temperature of the pan is also very important. If it is too hot, the omelette will set completely. If it’s too cold, the middle will be too runny.

Trick: Drip test shows the right pan temperature

Pan-fried omelet: When it starts to set but is still creamy, it’s done. (Quelle: Howard Shooter/getty-images-bilder)

The trained chef can feel the right temperature by holding his hand slightly above the bottom of the pan.

The amateur chef, on the other hand, can use a simple trick: put a drop of the whisked egg mixture in the pan. If it contracts immediately, the pan is too hot. If nothing happens, the pan is too cold. If the drop begins to simmer, the pan is at the right temperature.

This makes the omelette nice and fluffy

If you want the scrambled egg dish to be a little lighter and fluffy, you can add a dash of mineral water to the ingredients. The carbonic acid contained in the mineral water ensures that the omelette is beautifully airy. Pepper provides a slight spiciness. If you like, add some chili powder.

Which fillings are suitable for omelettes?

Instead of spices, the omelette can also be supplemented with ham, bacon, cheese, herbs (e.g. parsley or basil), tomatoes, mushrooms, asparagus, poultry stew or liver, kidneys and roasted bread or potato cubes.

The ingredients are either arranged next to the omelette, poured over with the egg mixture and cooked, or placed in the middle as a filling before folding.

  • A recipe for a foam omelette with papaya and mango can be found here.

You can already add grated cheese to the raw egg mixture for extra flavor. If you like it sweet, grab jam and then sprinkle the dish with a little powdered sugar.

Order an omelet on vacation

Many hotels offer their guests a special service and will prepare an omelet for breakfast if they wish. Just ask the service staff politely.

Language translation
English omelet
Spanish tortilla
Italian frittata
Turkish omelette
French omelette
Norwegian omelette
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