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Fuel allowance: 250,000 French people have already requested it

Accessible since this morning, the fuel allowance has already been requested by 250,000 French people, specifies Gabriel Attal. This new aid is aimed at the 10 million most modest workers who need their vehicle for their work.

The French wasted no time in getting the new 100 euro fuel allowance. The Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal revealed that “at noon, in just 3 hours, 250,000 French people have already requested it” by connecting to the tax website.

This aid aims to help 10 million French workers who have no choice but to use their car in a professional setting. Presented as an “after-rebate”, it takes over from the discounts at the pumps which for nine months provided aid on the price of fuel.

A more targeted measure than discounts

The new allowance is a more targeted measure. “The general discount helped including French people who do not need their car to go to work, French people who have income which allows them to absorb inflation”, recalled Gabriel Attal during a trip to Nice on Friday. .

“I prefer to help the liberal nurse who needs her Twingo to do her rounds rather than the very well-to-do family who takes their SUV for something else”, explained the minister then.

The Minister Delegate for Public Accounts also indicated that this fuel check corresponded to “a discount of 10 cents per liter of fuel on the basis of 12,000 kilometers per year traveled on average for business trips.”

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