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Fujimorista Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu “promotes ethnic-racial discrimination” with an attack on the Wiphala flag, says Mincul

Juan Carlos Lizarzaburu sparks the debate with a critique of native peoples. TV Congress

The Ministry of Culture (Mincul) rejected this Saturday the racist expressions of the Fujimori legislator Juan Carlos Lizarzaburuwho attacked the wiphala flagsymbol of the original townswhen he was taking part in a debate on the electoral advance for 2023.

The portfolio considered that the parliamentarian promoted “ethnic-racial and cultural discrimination” by describing this banner that symbolizes the andean customs and is hoisted in social and cultural events of some ethnic groups of the Andes.

“Stop talking about being native and the Tahuantinsuyo flag (…) the Whipala, that chifa tablecloth, was adopted by some resentful Bolivian socialites. Let’s stop talking about origin and nonsense that has nothing productive for our country,” he snapped. lizarzaburu last thursday.

“We regret these expressions that make Peru invisible, as a culturally diverse country, where 55 indigenous or native peoples also live. These statements encourage ethnic-racial and cultural discrimination between Peruvians and Peruvians,” the institution said in a statement posted on its social networks.

He then explained that indigenous or native peoples “maintain a cultural continuity over time and preserve all or part of their distinctive institutions and have an original identity.”

Currently, Peru registers 55 ethnic groups (four in the Andes and 51 in the Amazon), in which one of the 48 native languages ​​is spoken. Therefore, the portfolio called “to respect and recognize our cultural diversity and to contribute to the construction of an intercultural State free of racism.”

The declaration of lizarzaburufor which the Cusco mayor’s office has requested a penalty, It also contained misinformation, since in Aymara iconography, the great explosion of the Wiphala occurred in the 1970s, during the peasant mobilizations of Indian unionism in Bolivia, according to The country.

Since then, the symbol has been present in that nation (where it is the official flag), as well as in Peru, in some regions of northern Argentina and Chile, in southern Ecuador and western Paraguay.

During the plenary session, the congressman Flavio Cruz (Perú Libre) requested a rectification from the Board of Directors, to which Sigrid Bazan (Democratic Change). “It is not necessary to insult to assert a point. I am sorry for the lack of personality of a Peruvian who speaks like a Spaniard”, said the parliamentarian.

For his part, Guido Bellido (Peru Bicentennial) pointed out that the expressions were miserable. “We are not going to allow that. His racism is not going to happen here. You think it’s easy to offend a people, forget it,” he said. While, Ruth Luque (Cambio Democrático) commented via Twitter that the Fujimori’s qualifications are loaded with “ignorance.”

The session continued when lizarzaburu agreed to withdraw the expression against the Whipala. It happened shortly before Congress rejected the electoral advance for the third time in 2023.

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