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Full moon of July 2023: what time, when does it occur and how to see the Supermoon of the Deer?

Full moon of July 2023: what time, when does it occur and how to see the Supermoon of the Deer?

REDACTION.- Every year, the phenomena known as ‘supermoons’ manage to congregate thousands of people, who watch the sky to see how this spectacle of nature is produced, which consists in the fact that the Moon’s orbit is at its perigee, that is, that it is closer than usual to our planet. 357,418 kilometers specifically.

This July 3, a new ‘supermoon’, known as the Deer Moon, will be visible in the firmaments of the entire planet. But why is it known in this way?

Why is it called the Deer Supermoon and what does it consist of?

This curious name has a direct link with the animal. During this time, the deer develop their very large antlers for what is known as rutting and mating. In addition, it is also known as ‘Thunder Moon’. This is because the time of year it occurs is when there are more thunderstorms.

The NASA has explained on its website that, during this process, the Moon orbits Earth in an ellipse, an oval that moves it closer to and further from Earth as it rotates. You’ve also mentioned that during the perigee phase, the Moon is slightly brighter and larger than a normal full moon, hence the name ‘Supermoon’.

Being closer than usual to our planet, the Deer Supermoon may appear larger than a normal full moon. 6% is the percentage that can be seen on this phenomenon, the largest of the year in terms of this type of moons. Another of its great characteristics is that it will reach, in terms of luminosity, its maximum. In that regard, it will be 13% brighter than a typical full moon.

What time will the Deer Supermoon be?

The time at which the Deer Supermoon can be seen is one of the most relevant questions to answer.

-Argentina: at 8:48 a.m.

-Peru: at 6:48 a.m.

Chile: at 7:48 a.m.

-Colombia: at 6:48 a.m.

-Mexico: at 5:48 a.m.

USA: at 7:48 a.m.

When and where can the Superluna de Ciervo be seen in Spain?

Despite the fact that the scheduled time is around 1:48 p.m., the Superluna del Ciervo can be seen not only throughout Spain, but throughout the world. Until next Thursday, July 6, you will be able to appreciate this lunar event, which will change color and adopt an orange or even pink color range, and will be fully illuminated at any given time.

In addition, another of the great qualities of this phenomenon is that it can be seen perfectly without the need to use binoculars or bifocals. Of course, it is advisable to go to points with the least light pollution possible, to be able to appreciate it in a better way than from the city.

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