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Full occupancy in the tourist squares of Santa Fe during the long weekend

The autumn weather is conducive to choosing provincial destinations and on this long weekend of May 1, for Labor Day, this is shown by the occupancy numbers in the different tourist spots in the province, ranging between 90 and 100%.

The Santa Fe tourism secretary Alejandro Grandinetti highlighted: “We have a very good level of reserves in the different cardinal points of the province, beyond the contexts and economic situations, this shows that tourism continues to be an activity that drives economies crosswise”.

Also read: The Province promoted a day of social tourism in the Santa Fe territory

“In the province we not only have places of interest due to the tourist potential and natural beauty, but also with a complement of cultural, gastronomic and experiential activitieswhich pair an extremely interesting product for the people of Santa Fe, but also for those who visit us from other provinces”, he added.

In Rosario, in addition to the traditional walks and attractions, such as a visit to the Aquarium and the Sports Museum, the Messi or Di María circuit, there are outstanding events that are not to be missed: Pulsar Sports is an activity that brings together electronic sports competitors since the 28th at the Provincial club (Bv. 27 de Febrero 2672) there is the 37th Provincial Theater Festival, and the AutoVisión Show at the Juan Manuel municipal racetrack Fangio, one of the most anticipated events in the automotive world, where different brands and dealerships of cars, motorcycles, trucks and nautical of the city are present, as well as companies linked to the automotive sector, accessories, clothing, lubricants and competition teams.

Serodino also attracts with its recently opened theme park with dinosaurs: the Saer Maze, where children and adults can enjoy free outdoor attractions.

In the south of the boot, Melincué with its lagoon and nocturnal activity, it registered 95% of reservations, the same as Villa Constitución.

Regarding the percentage of reservations, the city of Santa Fe is at 100%, due to outstanding events, very popular recitals and the usual offer of museums, attractions and gastronomy. Among the events are the Conmebol Congress that brings together great figures of local and international soccer, the final of the so-called Evolution Beach Soccer League on the Costanera and the presence of the renowned musician from Rosario, Fito Páez at the Belgrano Station.

In the provincial north and being one of the most important portals of Jaaukanigás, stands out Reconquer with 90% Reserves.

While in the corridor of the provincial route No. 1Santa Rosa Calchines has 75% reserves, being an unbeatable opportunity to go to any riverside town and enjoy the activities on the river, among which sport fishing (with return) and kayaking in search of of irupé flowers, which are in their splendor.

While, Rafaela it shows 95% occupancy and Esperanza offers the night of the museums as a convening activity.

Each destination has its open agenda to get to know and tour the province as a tourist, which can be consulted on the digital platform to be able to organize the next trip.

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