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Fun Facts: Why is there no floor 4 in hospitals in Japan?

Japan It is a country that is at the forefront in many aspects, such as technology, education and health, however, in its hospitals there is no floor 4 and the reason behind this fact is quite terrifying, which is why today we are going to let you know what is the myth that causes fear in Japanese hospitals.

It is worth mentioning that in many cultures there are numbers that are considered as bad luckwhich feeds all kinds of superstitions In this regard, for example, in the West it is common for the number 13 It is considered unlucky, so it causes some fear when it appears on the calendar or another site as it is a bad omen.

In The Truth News we have made you aware of best fun facts about countries in the world, such as Scotland, where the unicorn was declared its national animal at a time when it was considered that this mythological being really set foot on the planet.

Why is there no 4th floor in hospitals in Japan?

In Japan the number 4 is unlucky for this reason.

The reason why the number four is absent from Japan’s hospitals It is because the pronunciation of this number is heard as “Shi”, which is very similar to the word “death” in japanesewhich is considered a bad omen, especially in a hospital.

Like the number 13 in the West, In Japan the number 4 is considered unlucky. for the aforementioned reason and it is one of the superstitions that are part of Japanese popular culture, which is still transcending borders. The superstition is such that this number does not appear in elevators, telephone numbers, among other things.

The belief that 4 is bad luck in Japan is such that the authorities have allowed hospitals and other buildings to be built without a 4th floor, which can be confusing for the population.

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Are there dinosaurs on the islands of Japan?

Previously, Japan gave something to talk about after the discovery of 7 thousand new islands that make up its territory, which fueled the theory that in some of these sites living dinosaurs were found. However, these islands have always been there, it’s just that they didn’t have the technology to carry out a detailed territorial scan, besides the last one had been done in the 70’s.

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