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Funds for libraries, art and culture restored

Funds for libraries, art and culture restored

Funding for city libraries will be fully restored in the fiscal year 2025 budget.

This means that libraries will reopen seven days a week.

Mayor Adams and City Council Speaker Adriene Adams announced yesterday that more than $58 million will be restored to the city’s three public library systems, as well as $53 million to cultural institutions.

“The @NYCSpeakerAdams and the @NYCMayor are proud to announce that funding for arts and cultural institutions and libraries will be fully restored in the FY 2025 budget,” reads a social media message from the City Council.

The council president praised the work of Lower Manhattan Councilwoman Carlina Rivera, in her capacity as president of the Cultural Affairs and Libraries committee, in negotiating to ensure that the funds were maintained.

“Thank you for your tireless advocacy for our libraries and all the institutions that make New York the cultural capital of the world,” Adams said of Rivera. The councilwoman, for her part, posted a message on social media about her achievements.

“Libraries and cultural institutions support families across the borough, welcome visitors from around the world, and generate billions of dollars in economic activity. Together, we’ve achieved a budget that invests in these vital services and organizations across the city,” the councilwoman’s message reads.

Mayor Adams indicated that guaranteeing funding for these institutions is important for the growth of children and for the city.

In a statement, he said: “This budget will ensure that these essential institutions will have what they need to serve New Yorkers and attract visitors every day of the week.”

Last week, Adams had indicated that these cuts, including those in the education system, were due to the end of financial aid provided by the federal government during the pandemic and the crisis caused by the arrival of immigrants.


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