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FURAX: charity streams to fight against harassment and sexism

We know the world of video games and generally everything related to it is not a haven of peace for women. Initiatives are therefore necessary.

The small video game world is not kind to women, like French society, which still has a lot of progress to make to stem the violence and harassment suffered by thousands of them every day. Whether it is harassment in companies like at Blizzard or individually in the world of streaming like with Amouranth, changes must absolutely operate. In “real” life but also online. This is where FURAX comes in.

A vast charity operation with FURAX

Some of the content creators

In this very difficult context, which does not necessarily evolve in the right direction or not quickly enough, a team of volunteers led by streamers Nat_Ali and Joul with the support of associations such as All of us and She’s Imagine’nt wanted to create FURAX, a charity marathon to highlight the problem. If the main objective is obviously to raise funds to fight against online harassment and gender-based and sexual violence, it is also a good way to enlighten and open the eyes of some men. who let’s face it, don’t realize enough account of the situation that their own girlfriends, their own sisters, etc., can sometimes experience.

The event will be held from February 25 to 26, 2023 and will also welcome content creators such as Natoo, Modified or even Usul, with the support of the company Omen. In total, more than 15 content creators will meet in the Alt Tab Productions studios in Ivry-sur-Seine (on all the same 1300m²) to mobilize for 48 hours. The guideline being to exchange, to educate to help build a fairer future.

Nat_Ali, main initiator of the project explains:

With Furax I wanted to create a charity event that would finally assume 100% of its political side on Twitch. The guests are badass girls who fight every day to keep the place and dignity they deserve on Twitch or allies who support the causes that are close to their hearts. All in a safe and positive environment that dares to say things and fight for women.

An initiative that we hope will bear fruit. Obviously, the project is still looking for sponsors to finish financing itself, potential partners can then register on the official website to support the event.

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