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Furuvik’s external investigation after the evacuation completed: Here are the shortcomings

Furuviksparken has hired the audit firm Ernst & young to investigate the chimpanzee escape.

The investigator lists a number of shortcomings, including the following:
• Substantial flaws in the locking routine where there were no knowledge requirements regarding chimpanzees for the staff who check the locks

• There is only one layer of security in the enclosure. When the chimpanzees got out through it, they were able to open the doors and windows of the house themselves

• According to Furuviksparken, an annual audit of the security work must be done, but the investigator notes that it was not carried out as planned, which is considered a significant shortcoming

Lack of routines may have contributed

In the conclusion Ernst & young write:

“The primary cause of the incident is that the locking routine in the Chimpanzee house was not followed by the staff. The employee has not locked the fence after work has been carried out and this has not been noticed during subsequent lock checks. The significant deficiencies in Furuviksparken’s systematic safety work that EY was able to ascertain during the investigation have likely contributed to the incident being able to occur. Deficiencies have been noted in the control environment, risk reduction measures, risk assessments and follow-up/supervision.”

The park states that they have already increased security in the chimpanzee house, an additional shell protection is planned.

Some additional measures are that the locking routine has been renewed and is to be reviewed for the entire park. Annual crisis exercises are also introduced.

– We will always strive to be better and there are still improvement measures left to do, as this investigation shows. Certain measures will be implemented quickly, but we will also initiate long-term work to increase our preparedness in accordance with the investigator’s recommendations, says Sandra Wilke, CEO at Furuvik in a press release.

This has happened

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Five chimpanzees escaped from Furuviksparken in December. Four of them: Torsten, Linda, Santino and Manda were shot dead. In the clip, we summarize the event in 60 seconds. Photo: Jan-Peter Eriksson/SVT

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