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Galaxy Watch 5 can now measure temperature and set menstruation and ovulation

O Galaxy Watch 5 is finally gaining the ability to measure body temperature to provide information about menstruation and ovulation in women. The new feature is rolling out slowly in the Samsung Health app and is initially rolling out to users in the US, South Korea and select European countries.

Galaxy Watch 5 may win ovulation and period monitor

Function to predict menstruation and ovulation through temperature monitoring is launched in Galaxy Watch 5. Source: Oficina da Net

Instead of counting the number of days since the last period, the new version of Samsung Health will measure a woman’s basal body temperature the moment she gets out of bed. According to the South Korean smartphone maker, it uses “infrared technology” to detect your body temperature and calculate whether you are close to ovulating or starting your period.

The new ovulation and period prediction feature of the Galaxy Watch 5 was developed by Samsung in partnership with Natural Cycles. However, it is important to mention that the developers warn of the calculation failure if the user takes hormonal contraceptives or undergoes a treatment that interrupts ovulation. Furthermore, it has been said that it is essential to keep the watch on your wrist at all times, including when you sleep.

Release and availability

The Galaxy Watch 5’s new feature to monitor body temperature and predict menstruation or ovulation is slowly rolling out in the Samsung Health app and is initially rolling out to users in the US, South Korea and some European countries.

About cycle monitoring

Cyclic monitoring will assess the user’s symptoms while tracking daily log information and recommend routine adjustments. Samsung Health may, for example, recommend a rest day after intense exercise or show a stretching video to relieve muscle pain.

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