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game test "town 66": City building for your pocket

  • town 66: Review of the pocket game
  • This is how the minimalist city building game plays
  • Information, evaluation and conclusion

Together with the other players at town 66 – hence the name – a city built from a maximum of six times six tiles. Each tile shows a house, but the townspeople do not like it when the same house color or house shape is built more than once in a row or column.

How does the placement game Town 66 play?

First of all: “Town 66” is not cooperative! You build a city together, but you play against each other. At the start of the game, a starting tile is placed, forming the top left corner of the city. Starting from this tile, you can always add to a tile that has already been placed downwards or to the right (not diagonally). Each player may add a tile to the city one after the other and then draw one face down from a bag.

Initially, each player has four tiles “in hand”, they are placed on a wooden frame, like those from Scrabble, but much smaller. However, since in the end only the player with the fewest “hand tiles” left can win, you can always discard a tile after drawing to reduce the number of tiles in your hand.

But: The fewer tiles you have in hand, the fewer alternatives you have to place a tile. As soon as you can’t place any more tiles, you’re out (but can still be the winner in theory).

information and conclusion

The “hand tiles” are placed on the wooden frame in such a way that the opponents cannot see the shape of the roof of the house, but the back of the tiles, which reveals the color of the house, can be seen. You have the opportunity to use tactical skill to build your own tiles in the city in such a way that the opponents can no longer place their own tiles (at least in terms of color).

Town 66 -.Watch the game on Amazon

The game ends as soon as no player can place any more tiles in the city or all 36 tiles have been used up. The player who has the fewest tiles in their hand at the end of the game wins. In case of a tie, the player who was able to build tiles the longest wins.

What puts Town 66 above average is the cleverly designed win condition. The players always have to weigh up when and how many tiles to put down. If you do this too quickly, you run the risk of cutting out too quickly. If you decide too late, you have too many tiles left – and your chances of winning are even worse. The game is aimed at forward-thinking city planners who have tactical skills. If you like tactics and puzzles for a few minutes, you will have fun here. As a family game, it is suitable for older children – and especially to take away, because all the game material fits into the Oink-typical mini box.

  • info to Town66 at a glance:
    • Number of players: 1 to 4
    • Age recommendation: from 9
    • Duration: 15 minutes
    • Publisher: Oink Games
    • Authors: Christoph Cantzler and Anja Wrede
  • Per:
    • Fast puzzle game for in between
    • compact takeaway game
    • clever win condition
  • Cons:
  • Editor’s rating: 7 out of 10 points

Conclusion: If you are looking for a really small puzzle game for a quarter of an hour, Town 66 is the right choice. The rules are simple, the gameplay clever, a nice bit of fun in between.

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transparency notice: To test the game, the publisher provided us with a review copy without further conditions.

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