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Gaming Webcam | The migliori of 2023 | Game Division

what sound migliori webcam da gaming? Vi sarà capitato spesso di porvi questa demanda, a pato di essere interessati al mundo dello streaming, obviously. With this article we have thought of consigliarvi some models, but not only for pc, come thickly accade. Infatti, e potreste non saperlo, le attuali console supportano anche altri modelli all’infuori di playstation camera. This article, quindi, è revolto anche voi possessori di console che, sfruttando le possibilità offerte da PS4/5 and Xbox One/Seriesdecide to walk in live your Youtube either twitch.

In this new update, data to April 2023, we do not have new products, all of which are in control of the link for assicurarvi degli aquisti sicuri e al miglior prezzo. Non mancheremo di tenere aggiornata la guida qualora dovessimo ritenere opportuno substituire alcuni dei prodotti al momento in elenco.

Detto ciò, prima di proseguire vi consigliamo di dare un’occhiata anche ai migliori microfoni, così da completare al meglio il vostro setup da streamer! Adesso, andiamo a verdere quali sono le migliori webcam da gaming.

Webcam da gaming, le migliori

The best webcam for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5

Playstation HD Camera

playstation 5 è ormai sugli scaffali da a po’, e con essa anche tutta a serie di accessori: dal futuristico DualSense, le cuffie and the new webcam Thought for VR and for streaming. Ribattezzata simply Playstation 5 HD Cameraunlike the scorsa edition thought for Playstation 4 bears the resolution to a mass of di 1920x1080praggiungendo così a risultato di tutto rispetto.

Most likely, the console will also be compatible with other webcams, but at the moment we cannot confirm it with certainty. Tuttavia, be seven there near a new camera da affiancare alla vostra playstation 5this new device sony fa sicuramente al caso vostro ed è inoltre caratterizzato da un design di pregevolissima fattura.

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playstation camera

let’s start playstation cameraa model that surely presents a resolution inferior to that found by migliori webcam But, also considering the listed price and the possibility that it offers, it directly conquers a position all’interno of this article. innanzitutto playstation camera it is not useful only for the directness of its Youtube either twitch: This product I saw consent, ad esempio, di sbloccare la dashboard con il vostro volto, adding a pad of security to your console. Permette also, through the application of Share FactoryPlease register directly and comment on the gameplay acquired from the console. It includes a very useful accessory for Playstation VR; Stesso dicasi for his integrated microphone, perfect for serving and commanding vocals from the console or for chiacchierare in party.

It is not less than design, sensitively updated rispetto alla primissima versione. It has added an abundant weight and is a very subtle product, adding no difficulty to your monitor or television, enjoying the comfortable packaged base. Qualora no volete agganciare la webcam Its upper part of the schermo, the base I saw allows you to appoggiarla also its a table.

Massive freedom and elegant design, for a non-expensive and highly functional product.

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Logitech c920/c930e

If seven soliti fare delle dirette or simply bazzicate nell’ambito, avrete per forza sentito parlare di questa webcam. È infatti uno dei modelli più commercializzati, nonostante siano ormai uscite versioni superiori che spingono la risoluzione anche oltre l’ormai consueto Full HDossia 1920x1080p. The difference I gave playstation camerawhich has a specific porta sul retro della console, per collegare il modello C920 Serve a very normal USB port and, unlike a common connection with i PC, do not need to scare any driver; colleague ed è tutto pronto per l’uso. Clearly, così come per playstation cameracan set various parameters, between the qualities of brightness and contrast, oppure can activate the option Chroma Key, in modo da eliminare lo sfondo alle vostre spalle. Chiaramente dovrete necessarily avere a uniform cloth positioned on the right side of you, preferably green, and non dimenticatevi di illuminare per bene la stanza. Find various suggestions and accessories consigliate in this article.

Infine, and not by importance, the design of this webcam It is absolutely elegant and endowed with a simple cavalletto that I saw consent to position it above your monitor or other oggetti non troppo spessi. If a different model is considered, I may consider purchasing the C930 version.

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Logitech C930c

The best webcam for Xbox One and Series X|S

Prima di procedere, ebbene specifyare che Xbox One Allow all users to modify a higher number of parameters in respect of the counterparty Playstation 4, more to be compatible with many more webcams; not a case, in the paragraph dedicated to PlayStationsiamo andati sul sicuro with the logitech c920.

Logitech StreamCam

Logitech StreamCam It is not a product that differs greatly from the community C920. The design is quite diverse, always very compact and elegant, but different. The resolution is made 1920x1080pwith the possibility of raggiungere massive i 60FPSown as the due top di gamma at home Logitech (C930/20) – obviously rhyming in ambito Full HD. Quindi, for your choice it is practically perfect and, however, it is also equipped with a microphone, but I was consigliamo to use it; non che sia proprio pessimo, ma è semper meglio collegarne uno aposito e di qualità maggiore, specie se il vostro intento è quello di ottenere ottimi risultati.

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AUKEY Webcam

We concluded the parenthesis dedicated to Xbox One With a decidedly inexpensive model ma che, also an accomplice of the price, this one obtains ottimi risultati, devising a scelta common fra gli utenti. We are obviously referring there webcam rilasciata gives AUKEYwhich if spinge fine to 1920x1080p and 30FPSoltre ad essere obviously endowed also di un integrated microphone. Even this time around we found a plug & play model, but we don’t have another one that connects it to one of the USB ports of the console, so it will be ready for use. The quality is not obviously paragonabile in toto; the solutions offered Logitech Rimangono preferibili, ma per il gaming è una scelta più che sensible, considering as always that dovrete rimpicciolire il vostro richadro.

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The migliore webcam for PC

elgato facecam

generic photo

Some of the models that I saw suggested for the current console, in reality they are also very good for those who are intended to go directly from the road. pc. An excellent example logitech c920oppure C922 Qualora vogliate un frame rate maggiore. Ma se siete degli utenti high end e volete portarvi avanti, no sarebbe male considerare l’acquisto di una elgato facecam.

this webcam, endowed with 1920x1080p resolution, guarantees a very high quality, creating a scelta consigliabile even if you don’t want to simply play. Vista l’enorme qualità non sarebbe male utilizzarla anche per dei talk show, impostando quindi il video a schermo intero.

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How to choose a gaming webcam

We lived in a digitalized world in which video and live streaming vanno per la maggiore. Qualora doveste avere a passion for gaming or, in general, for which other argument decided to divulge in video or in a live, Having a good webcam is a fundamental step from the fare. Ecco perché abbiamo deciso di consigliarvene un paio, così da venirvi incontro e simplificare a la massimo la vostra ricerca. Sceglierne una, infatti, nonostante possa sombrare only one question legata al budget, non è per niente facile. Sono gli aspetti da considerare, and fortunately it is easy to understand. Quindi, non perdiamoci in ulteriori chiacchiere e cominciamo subito con le dritte!


I will sow banale, but the decision will have a very important role. Ad oggi, 1080p is practically the minimum essential, but if your attempt is what I do for gaming and who can position the video stream in a rich square to allow ample space for the gameplay, well, in this case it doesn’t happen if I’m fine with 4K, poiché l’augmento di risoluzione sarebbe little percettibile. Totally diverse speech, obviously, in the case in cui facciate dei Talk Show; In this almost, I will punctuate più in high with the resolution potrebbe avere molto senso. Inoltre, resolutions aside, there are no external microphone units, and those who find it very useful are those that are directly integrated with the webcam, as in the case of the Logitech C920 or PS Camera. Of course, in almost the genre it is advisable to directly purchase a camcorder, for those who are interested in webcams, we suggest that you read the FULL HD models calmly, which are necessary for a good direct streaming.


Focus, auto focus and chi più ne ha, più ne metta. Di smanettoni ce ne sono moltissimi la fuori, e Surely there will be a webcam search that has a dedicated software that consents with one or more clicks to adjust the important parameters as ad esempio l’esposizione. Inoltre, in this way, your webcam can also be used to make photos or videos, share immediately with your social network, in the case of webcams like the C920 directly from the application. Other than that, important in the same way is the software compatibility, it is worth saying the support of the terze app and the installation of the driver, it may be good for the models of the selected ones, but I will keep in mind in the case of consideration of the purchase say other webcams. These are hints for the operating system: if you used a Mac and, in general, if you had another PC or a different operating system than Windows, the suggestion is to check for compatibility, where you will avoid surprises.

Connectivity and compatibility

Soprattutto chi è solito fare delle dirette in streaming sulle principali piattaforme online, se c’è una cosa che proprio detesta sono proprio i problemi legati alla connettività e alla compatibilità. Infatti, no case, Selected for voi dei plug & play models, i quali non richedono altro che il collegamento ad una delle porte USB del vostro computer. The compatibility with Windows is 100% guaranteed, and the driver installation is automatic; The webcam will work when first collected and will have a few minutes to complete.

As we selected the migliori webcam of gaming

To select the migliori webcam from gaming, we have taken into consideration different factors: innazitutto do not accept exclusive and proprietary models, an example is PS Camera and PlayStation Camera HD of PS5, models that consent to the console of the house Sony will also access some exclusive functions, come ad esempio lo sblocco della console con il proprio volto. Another element that we had tenuto in consideration is the march: I saw so many webcams on the outside, but not all are adapted to streaming and not all have high accessibilità. Da Elgato, Logitech e PlayStation, tutti i modelli da noi selezionati assicurano compatibilità e facilità de uso!


Let’s say at the beginning that it’s not just a price question. Tuttavia, we know it, The last parola always depends on only one thing: the price, per appunto. When you spend depends strongly on the quality that you will be able to fly: a webcam with 1920x1080p resolution, also at 30FPS, cameras are affordable, and even with a budget of less than €50 if you can be sure to bring home a discreet product, use all the scope and functional. If you do not support all the prime armi, and even close a product that might receive your setup, the price is for forza costreto a lievitare. Saranno necessari at least 80€/90€ per potersi definare soddisfatti e adocchiare prodotti como la Logitech c920 e StreamCam!

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