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Gangs murder American missionary couple in Haiti

Gangs murder American missionary couple in Haiti

PRINCE PORT.- In a tragic escalation of violence in Haiti, an American missionary couple along with another local religious member, were brutally murdered in an attack carried out by criminal gangs. The relatives of the victims, as well as the Missions in Haiti organization, based in Oklahoma and founded in 2000, confirmed the unfortunate event.

Davy y Natalie LloydWith Jude Montis, the Haitian director of the religious group, lost their lives at the hands of gang members on Thursday night. The organization issued a statement on its Facebook page, declaring its devastation at the tragic outcome.

The representative Ben Bakerof the Missouri House of Representatives, also confirmed the loss of his daughter Natalie and his son-in-law in the attack. The White House, in response, urged the urgent deployment of a Kenyan-led international force to Haiti, recognizing the seriousness of the security situation in the Caribbean country.

President Joe Biden He pledged his support for the rapid deployment of this force during his talks with his Kenyan counterpart. Meanwhile, condolences have poured in from several fronts, including the UN, whose spokesperson for the secretary-general, Antonio Guterresdescribed the event as another tragic example of the violence that plagues Haiti.

In a gesture of solidarity and commitment, the president of Kenya, William Rutoduring his official visit to Washington, promised that his country’s next deployment in Haiti will seek to end the reign of chaos imposed by gangs in this nation, which remains one of the most impoverished on the American continent.

Source: With information from AFP

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