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Garbage collectors’ strike in Paris: after the announcement of requisitions, the striking agents did not take off

E. Lagarde, C. Guyon, J. Desrousseaux O. Longueval, M. Niewenglowski, S. Thiebaut J.-M. Mier, J. Cordier

France 3

France Televisions

After ten days of strike by Parisian garbage collectors, the prefect of police announced requisitions, Thursday, March 16. The striking agents did not take off.

Thursday, March 16, after eight days of blockages, the police come unceremoniously to dislodge the strikers, gathered in front of a waste collection center. “They gassed us, it was not worth it, we were not violent“, regrets a man. These employees of a private company usually collect waste from Parisian schools. They cannot be requisitioned. In Paris, more than 9,000 tonnes of rubbish are now piling up, perhaps not for long.

10,000 euros fine and six months in prison

The prefect has decided to requisition agents from the capital. A relief for the inhabitants, whether or not they support the strike. In front of the incinerator of Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine), the garbage collectors expect to receive the requisition order from one moment to another. Some with resignation, others with anger. “We need to consult each other, to see how we continue this fight“, indicates Vincent Pommier, striker. Agents who ignore the requisition order risk a fine of up to 10,000 euros and six months in prison. The legal battle has only just begun, the unions can take legal action against the prefect’s decision.

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