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Garbage collectors’ strike: several cities in France still affected by walkouts

M. Moreau , C. Jauneau , V. Bars , F. Leblanc , Y. Salaun , C. Guinot , S. Renault , F. Bouyablane , S. Goldstein , C. Gineys

France 2

France Televisions

The garbage collectors’ strikes against the pension reform continue in several cities in France, Wednesday, April 12. Agents who also denounce their working conditions.

AT Saint Etienne (Loire), residents have had to live with overflowing garbage cans for 12 days, due to a strike by metropolitan officials in charge of garbage collection, who are mobilizing against the pension reform and also demanding better working conditions. In La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) too, the garbage collectors have claims, and the trash cans are on the sidewalks.

A call for a renewable strike in Paris

In the streets of Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), the dump truck service resumed a few days ago after a three-week stoppage, but waste remains very present on the sidewalks. It will take between three to four weeks to return to a normal situation. Service has also resumed in Paris since the end of March, but the piles of waste in the capital could soon be back. The CGT calls for a renewable strike from Thursday.

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