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Garbage collectors’ strike: the police unblock a depot in Vitry

The police intervened this Thursday, March 16 in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne) to unblock a depot managed by Pizzorno Environnement, which collects garbage from the 15th arrondissement of Paris in particular, we have learned from police sources.

This intervention by the police follows a decision on Wednesday by the Créteil court, seized by Pizzorno Environnement.

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Richard, 58, former garbage collector: “Being behind a dumpster until you are 64? It’s impossible ! »

The company obtained from justice the assistance of the public force to release its deposit, it was explained to the police headquarters, stressing that it was not a requisition.

Rebellious deputies present

On Wednesday, a bailiff came to see the blocking and the refusal of the blockers to evacuate, according to the mayor of the 15th century, Philippe Goujon. “The dumpsters are out of the garage”told AFP the elected official this Thursday at the end of the morning.

In addition to waste from the 15th arrondissement of Paris, Pizzorno handles the collection of waste from 150 schools in the capital.

Asked to requisition garbage collectors, Hidalgo refuses

LFI deputies Mathilde Panot and Louis Boyard and rebellious MEP Manon Aubry were on site in Vitry.

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