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Gasoline, hybrid or electric: When and for whom is it worth buying an electric car

If you want to buy a car, you are faced with a difficult decision between petrol, hybrid cars and electric cars. We will show you when an e-car is worthwhile.

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20 Min.

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(Image: Andreas Martini)

In January 2023, the Federal Motor Transport Authority recorded a significant decline in the number of registrations compared to the previous year, buyers acted with uncertainty: the costs for different energy sources fluctuate too much, the external factors seem to be unpredictable.

At the political level, meanwhile, people are concerned with the distant future. The year 2035 and the fight for or against the EU’s alleged ban on combustion engines are pushing more urgent mobility issues off the agenda that address the here and now or at least show medium-term perspectives: what about the expansion of the charging infrastructure, what bridging technologies play in the transition to climate-friendly ones Mobility alternatives play the most important role and how can mobility remain affordable for all social classes in the long term?

This article focuses on the individual decision. What kind of vehicle should I buy, should I dare to take the step towards e-mobility or should I resort to the mixed forms that are increasingly being offered? Hybrid vehicles promise the best of both worlds and want to combine diesel range with zero-emission e-driving fun. We have explained more about the technology of hybrids in another article.

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