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Gasometer: 1,000,000 marvel at “The Fragile Paradise”

The exhibition “The Fragile Paradise” attracts crowds of guests to the Gasometer Oberhausen. A special mark has now been reached.

With the huge number of 1,000,000 visitors counts “The Fragile Paradise” in Gasometer Oberhausen one of the most successful exhibitions in Germany.

Now the time had come: That Siblings Michal and Aleksandra Walocha entered the gasometer together. The two were suddenly the millionth guests.

There is a special story behind it, because both live far apart: Aleksandra in Kraków and Michael in Düsseldorf. They only visit each other once a year. Friends gave them the tip to visit the gasometer.

1,000,000 visitors to the Gasometer Oberhausen: “We are totally surprised!”

So Michal Walocha quickly looked up the public transport connections on the Internet – when she arrived at the gasometer, the big moment came: “We are totally surprised and very happy that we are the millionth visitor!”

In addition to the Gasometer team, Lord Mayor Daniel Schranz was also present to congratulate them.

More articles from this category can be found here: Oberhausen

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