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Gastronomy: Bochum’s party pub lets customers vote on beer prices

The background to the debate at Trallafitti is the threat of price increases at the pay channel Sky. The result of the vote is surprising.

Frank Bartram’s new party venue “Trallafitti” on the Ostring had just picked up steam when the post from the pay-TV channel Sky fluttered into the house in November. “I was irritated then,” says Bartram. So far he has had a so-called 8-4 contract with the broadcaster. That means eight months pay and four free. He also had a notice period of three months. “They wanted to change that.” It came down to another contract, with only an annual notice period and full payment.

“I would be left with 4,000 euros in additional costs a year,” said Bartram, who decided at the beginning of December without further ado to let his customers – usually fierce VfL Bochum fans – vote. So the call: “We only have two options: increase drink prices or cancel Sky/DAZN. How would you decide?” (DAZN is also a streaming service provider)

The reaction of the fans and guests was clear. “Definitely cancel, this price usury must slowly come to an end,” wrote someone who obviously spoke from the soul of many participants in this “survey”.

voting in social networks

Frank Bartram didn’t hesitate for long. Just one day later, he announced the decision online: “Due to massive price increases by DAZN & Sky, as well as a significant deterioration in the contractual terms, we will terminate DAZN & Sky! Of course it’s a pity for all football fans, but it would be unfair for all guests to increase the drink prices to pay these greedy suppliers! We’re not talking about a few euros more here, it’s a few thousand!”

But that’s not the end of the story. The TV rights multinational sought the conversation, apparently Sky does not want to do without customers. Frank Bartram admits: “I don’t think the last word has yet been spoken on the matter.” At the same time, he thanks his guests for the clear statements, who stand by the Trallafitti, even if not all the games can be seen on the screen.

The Bermuda Triangle also knows the debate

Christian Bickelbacher, owner of the sports bar “Three Sixty” and spokesman for the ISG Bermuda Triangle, is of course familiar with such negotiations from his own experience. He also knows that companies like Sky sometimes check whether a host is actually showing the games via the gastro subscription or simply the much cheaper private subscription. “But I think suburban bars will be left alone.”

For him, it looks more like the streaming service’s packages have been changed. The subscription is not much more expensive, but the content has become smaller. “But what can I say, if I run a place with a sports bar concept, then I have no alternative.”

Party bar wants to get going in the new year

Sky or higher beer prices, Frank Bartram, from Trallafitti am Ostring, uses a few more days of company holidays over the turn of the year before the party pub opens again on January 6th. “We’re starting the new year with a lot of new things,” he reveals. However, he makes no secret of the fact that, in addition to the price pressure, the personnel problems in the aftermath of Corona continue. “A lot of people were looking for secure jobs there, outside of the catering industry.”

More articles from this category can be found here: Bochum

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