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GeMeinSam active with MS / Online campaign for World MS Day on May 30, 2023 with experts, yoga and brunch together

Teva Ltd


Around 2.8 million people worldwide suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS).(1) Nevertheless, there is still a great need for information about this chronic inflammatory disease. On May 30th, the international World MS Day puts the topic in the focus of general interest every year and also clears up all sorts of half-knowledge. In Germany, the World MS Day is this time under the motto “Together“.(2) You can also find this on the internet platform Numerous activities took place: expert advice on how to deal with the diagnosis, a yoga session with breathing, body and relaxation exercises, and a joint brunch with recipes that were as delicious as they were healthy.

Around 2.8 million people worldwide live with multiple sclerosis.(1) In Germany alone, over 280,000 people are affected.(3) MS is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. So MS has nothing to do with muscle wasting, even if this is often wrongly assumed; MS is also not contagious and for the vast majority of those affected does not necessarily mean a life in a wheelchair.(3) International World MS Day offers a good opportunity every year to raise awareness about the disease and to deal with these and many other myths surrounding multiples clear up sclerosis. Not only that is better together: Dealing with the diagnosis, getting and staying in motion, as well as switching to an anti-inflammatory diet are often easier together. Together is also the motto that the German Multiple Sclerosis Society (DMSG) has set for this year’s day of action on May 30th.(2)

Expert advice from neurology and psychology

Anyone who would like to find out more about dealing with this diagnosis of a chronic disease with an uncertain prognosis can look forward to well-founded expert advice on this day: As part of the “Active together with MS” campaign at will the neurologist Dr. Markus Heibel talked about the topic with the affected actor, author and moderator Frank Sandmann in a podcast. In a video interview, the qualified psychologist Bernhard Adelberg explains various strategies for dealing with the diagnosis and explains why some challenges may be easier to overcome together with a psychotherapist.

Practice yoga and brunch together

Also loads Register online for a Hatha yoga session with Andrea Berauer-Knörrer from Yogacraft. Depending on personal leisure and ability, the exercises can be carried out on the chair or on the mat. The yoga teacher has been living with the diagnosis MS for 17 years and has prepared a special hour with breathing, body and relaxation exercises for May 30th. In addition, on prepared a brunch together for World MS Day with recipes that were as delicious as they were healthy: from millet breakfast to a pesto pasta salad to banana bread and many other ideas. There should be something for every taste. You can find the recipes for this on the website.

The action “Together active with MS” is not only aimed at those affected by MS and their relatives: all people who would like to experience an interesting and inspiring World MS Day together are invited to the online campaigns. More information at


On the international drug manufacturer TEVA offers current topics and background information about multiple sclerosis. Various cognitive training sessions are also offered on the website. In addition, numerous service materials can be ordered that can make dealing with the disease easier. In addition to the advice offered by the attending physicians, the active with MS care network also provides telephone support for questions relating to MS.

(1) retrieved on 03/07/2023.

(2) 2023-03-07.

(3) 2023-03-07.

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