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Gemini Mini: You can buy this portable quantum computer now

Gone are the days when quantum computers were huge entities: The Chinese start-up SpinQ has now released three of its portable quantum computers for sale. The prices are between 8,000 and 55,000 euros.

Gemini Mini, Gemini and Triangulum are the names of the three supercomputers that the Chinese start-up SpinQ is now offering sold. The quantum computers have already been presented early 2021at that time the company had announced prices from 5,000 euros.

One and a half years of development later, the cheapest quantum computer and the first mobile quantum computer in the world is now available for 8,000 euros – compared to the previously available models, this is an absolute bargain.

The Gemini Mini…
… offers 2 quantum bits

“Entry-level” quantum computer Gemini Mini

SpinQ’s cheapest quantum computer is the Gemini Mini model. It measures 200 x 350 x 260 millimeters, weighs around 14 kilograms and has a dual qubit processor that offers more than 30 operations per single qubit. It is currently the only model with an integrated display, but looks more like a printer than a laptop.

Even the Gemini Mini is a real quantum computer, because it offers 2 quantum bits (=qubits), just like the Gemini. With the triangle you get 3 qubits. This means that the SpinQ computers are quantum computers in the sense of the nomenclature, but their performance is nowhere near the performance of a conventional quantum computer. The technology used does not unlock the properties of quantum entanglement that potentially make QPUs faster than transistor-based processors.

Waiting for the first comparative tests

The extent to which the new computers are actually faster than any conventional PC will only be seen in real comparative tests.

See also:

Processor, Cpu, Chip, SoC, Cloud, Hardware, Gpu, Processors, Ki, Artificial Intelligence, Chips, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Nanometer, System On Chip, Quantum Computer

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