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Gender Identity Law: since its enactment, more than 16,000 people have rectified their DNI | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Wednesday May 10, 2023 | 8:05 p.m.

A total of 16,090 people rectified their gender identity on their DNI since the enactment of the Gender Identity Law 11 years ago and the highest percentage of procedures were carried out in the City of Buenos Aires, according to a report by the National Directorate of Population (DNP) of the Ministry of the Interior.

Currently, 34 out of every 100,000 inhabitants have rectified the name, image and sex registered in their DNI and, of these, 56.95% opted for the “female” category and 36.56% for the “male” option. ”, according to the study of the DNP that depends on the National Registry of Persons (Renaper).

In addition, since the sanction of Decree No. 476 of July 2021 that enabled the non-binary DNI, 1,044 people carried out the registration rectification procedures outside the masculine/female pairing, opting for the “X” nomenclature.

On May 9, 2012, the National Congress approved Law No. 26,743, a pioneer in Latin America in guaranteeing the right to gender identity and the first in the world to not pathologize trans identities.

According to the survey, 55 percent of the people who carried out the registration rectification process are between 18 and 29 years old, with an average age of 28 years.

In addition, those who opted for the “male” gender do so at younger ages in relation to the other genders analyzed: almost 19% of the people who chose the male gender made the rectification while they were minors, while among the people who chose the non-binary gender, 10.25% did so before reaching the age of majority.

Meanwhile, only 3.40% of the people who chose the female gender did so in the age range below 17 years, specifies the study released this Wednesday by the Ministry of the Interior.

The report recalls that, prior to the enactment of the Gender Identity Law in 2012, only 45 registry rectification procedures had been carried out, which served as background to the legal regulations.

The report recalls that, prior to the enactment of the Gender Identity Law in 2012, only 45 registry rectification procedures had been carried out, which served as background to the legal regulations.

Ten years later, in 2022, the largest volume of gender change procedures was registered since the implementation of the law (637 procedures) and so far in 2023, 183 changes have already been made.

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