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General Assembly with new elections

On February 23rd, the general assembly with the new election of the board of directors took place in the Gasthaus Lamm

Bregenz. chairman Hans Lederer welcomed 106 members as well as the guests of honor of the state chairman Werner HuberNAbg. Norbert Sieberrennet Veronika MartaLAbg. Raphael WichtlStR Mag. Michael Rauth and honorary chairman Albert Scale.

Report on the closed period

Deputy Chairman and Treasurer Bernhard Loser reported on the focal points of the past four-year period of office, which, despite the many Corona-related cancellations, paints a very respectable picture of the association’s work with 111 events and around 2500 participants in events and activities. In 2022, members were able to choose from the comprehensive program almost every week from 47 events that cover a very wide range of different interests. A look at the number of members and the development of the age pyramid was particularly interesting. 720 people are currently divided into 250 men and 470 women. The most active age group is currently over 78 years old, which in turn is an indication that activity today is less and less a question of actual age.

New elections and greetings

State Chairman AltLabg. Mayor Werner Huber thanked – combined with great praise – the chairman Hans Lederer, a “legend” of the Bregenz local group, who is leaving after twelve years, and the board for the voluntary work done for the benefit of the Bregenz members. Obviously, Werner Huber also commented on the negative topics in the past, such as “Corona Aid” in the Austrian Senior Citizens’ Association. Like other federal states, the SB Vorarlberg will repay the received corona aid and restructured itself on March 31 at the state parliament to the association VORARLBERG 50plus local group Bregenz. Even if – as he emphasized – “not everything went well politically”, the knowledge and appreciation of the social work done by volunteers in the local groups must remain the focus of the assessment. In the subsequent election, StR Michael Rauth unanimously elected the new chairman by acclamation, who thanked everyone present for their trust.

honors and farewells

At the suggestion of the previous board team, Hans Lederer was made honorary chairman for his twelve years of extraordinary service Wolfgang Troy made an honorary member for his more than 25 years of service on the board.

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