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General Grievous and Darth Maul could have been the same person

When George Lucas was writing the script for the sixth (or third, depending on how you count) Star Wars film, the director at one point considered making the robot villain General Grievous and the Sith Lord Darth Maul the same person. This was revealed by the screenwriter of Clone Wars, Henry Gilroy in an interview with SlashFilm.

“George was considering that Grievous was Maul behind the armor plate. It made sense. He’s cut in half, and he’s in this robot body or whatever. I’m glad that Grievous is his own thing anyway, but I thought it was interesting that the concept guys almost talked George into that.”

Considering how popular Darth Maul actually became after The Phantom Menace, you can understand the logic behind it all, even if the idea today feels strange to say the least.

What do you think, would it have been a ball if Grievous and Maul were one and the same?

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