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Genetically modified bacteria could be used to fight cancerous tumors

a promising treatment against cancer it was successful in its first tests, so it could become the next method to fight cancerous tumors in the body.

This is a clinical trial published by a team of scientists from columbia university in the magazine Science Advancements. According to the investigations, the genetically modified bacteria would be capable of destroying tumors from the inside.

Bacteria do not suppose any risk to the human being. On the contrary, they are designed for send alerts to the immune systemoy who realizes that there are cancer cells or tumors that have developed: in that way, the immune system will be able to prepare to attack this agent.

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And so, the bacteria would act as a tumor locator, because they are suelen to hide to evade the immune system that wants to catch it.

Patients can receive the bacteria through the blood stream or directly into the tumor. The objective is that the bacteria do not reach anyone else in the body. In addition, chemokine molecules, “asesin” T cells and those that attract dendritic cells are set in motion.

The last ones made a first attack on the foreign agent and, afterwards, took a fragment, known as an antigen, and expose it so that other immune cells can detect it y acudan en su ayuda.

Even though the treatment expounded by Columbia scientists was convincing in rats, even does not get to the testing phase in humans, which is what would define whether the method is viable or not. If they prove to be successful in humans, the world of science and medicine could have in their hands a key treatment to treat this illness. (I)

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