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George Kamitani confirms that the next Vanillaware is almost finished

The author, artist and director made this revelation in an interview published on the site nintendoroswhere we also learn that Kamitani (who came out of an unusually long and complex experience writing 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim) is not the director of this new game, which will also be one of the biggest ever released by Vanillaware. “In March 2019, for reasons I won’t go into, we only released the prologue for 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, but it did contain a video of our next title. And now it’s finally over. Although I am not the director of this title, it is one of Vanillaware’s biggest productions, so we are looking forward to it“, commented the veteran.

Kamitani is already on his next game

The latter pushes the secrets a little further and confirms that he has started working on a completely different game which, we suspected, will not be available for several years, Vanillaware being a modest studio which can only release its games one after another. “The title I’m currently working on won’t be finished for several years, but once the big game I told you about is finished, I might get more staff and the development of my project can finally get into full swing.“, he adds. Remember that the next Vanillaware game will still be published by Atlus, the studio’s regular partner for many years.

No remaster or sequel for Muramasa

In the meantime, Vanillaware has found NIS for the release of the strategy game GrimGrimoire OnceMore, a remaster of its very first title. And if the demand is strong for a remaster of Muramasa: The Demon Blade on current platforms, especially since Odin Sphere has already been entitled to this treatment, it is better to draw a line under this idea and bring out your PS Vita. “I too would like to wear Muramasa, but it poses problems that I cannot address…

Of all the games released by Vanillaware, it is also the one that would best lend itself to a sequel, according to Kamitani, who had also extended the experience with four DLCs. Of course, the idea of ​​making a successor to Dragon’s Crown, the studio’s biggest commercial success, has also been considered, but the studio boss retains a preference for new licenses. “Without necessarily making a sequel to Muramasa, we have other Japanese-themed game ideas, as well as even more obscure fantasy ideas than Dragon’s Crown.“, he adds to whet our appetite.

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