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Gerardo Morales was hospitalized urgently

The governor of Jujuy and presidential candidate of the UCR in Together for Change (JxC), Gerardo Morales, was admitted today to a sanatorium in that province for a picture of kidney stones and his evolution was favorable.

According to sources close to the provincial president told Télam, the hospitalization took place in the last few hours in a clinic in San Salvador de Jujuy.

Morales was treated for a picture of “kidney stones” and is “well” and under “treatment with analgesics,” the sources added.

Spokesmen for the provincial Government House told this agency that it was a “routine operation” that was “scheduled”, and they anticipated that Morales “will receive a medical discharge tomorrow.”

During the morning, the governor of Jujuy had fulfilled official activities by leading the presentation of the financing line “Create Federal SME Investment”, with rates subsidized by the province and the Nation.

For this, he signed an agreement, via streaming, with the Secretary of Industry and National Productive Development, José Ignacio De Mendiguren.

Yesterday, Morales had argued that the UCR, of which he is president, must have “a single candidacy” in JxC, and also ratified his presidential aspirations for the October elections.

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