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German Championships: Finals 2023 NRW: The sports event in Düsseldorf and Duisburg

In July, the largest German multisport event “Finals” takes place in NRW. Top athletes choose their champions in 18 sports. Information about the event.

It is the country’s largest range of top-class sports: 18 sports from 3×3 basketball to triathlon, in which German champions are crowned. These are the “finals” in 2023. The multisport event will take place in NRW at the beginning of July. It is already the third time that the “Finals” are being held in NRW. The competitions will be held at seven sports venues in Düsseldorf and Duisburg.

When are the finals held?

The competitions will be held in 18 sports from July 6th to 9th, 2023.

Where are the competitions held?

The NRW state capital Dusseldorf is represented with four locations at the Finals 2023:

  • Castle: Taekwondo, Judo and table tennis
  • media port: triathlon
  • Castle Square: 3×3 basket ball
  • PSD Dome: apparatus gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and trampoline gymnastics.
  • The sports facility for archery is still in clarification.

These competitions are in Duisburg to see:

  • Duisburg North Landscape Park: Boxing and breaking (power station), climbing and BMX (blast furnace square and bunker forecourt)
  • inner harbor: Canoe and Canoe Polo.

The German championships in athletics will not take place in NRW as part of the finals in 2023, but will be held in Kassel. The German Championships in swimming and diving (place to be announced) will also take place as part of the finals.

Where can I get tickets for the competitions?

Reservix is ​​currently only available via the ticket portal Tickets for the gymnastics competitions in the Düsseldorf PSD Dome to buy .

Will there be a supporting program?

Details on this are not yet known.

We will update this text as soon as further news about the Finals 2023 is known.

More articles from this category can be found here: Rhine and Ruhr

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