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“Germany is looking for the superstar”: Bohlen announces another season

Actually, the current season of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” should be the last. But in the first live show in Cologne, Dieter Bohlen (59) surprisingly announces: It goes further.

The Cologne Arena begins to cheer – standing ovations! Jurors Pietro Lombardi (30) and Leony get up from their seats. And Katja Krasavice (26)? THE remains seated cold.

As a reminder: Katja and the pop titan still have quite a bit of beef. After Bohlen’s “Durchnudel” scandal, the rapper on social media bitterly settled with him. Will she be on the jury again next season? That’s still up in the air.

But one thing is certain: RTL is looking for great singing talent for the 21st time in 2024!

On the jury: Dieter Bohlen and Pietro Lombardi

Photo: Geisler-Fotopress

A press release from the TV broadcaster states: “This has already been very successful with the 20th season of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. Both on RTL and on RTL+, the popularity was above our expectations and well above the previous year’s values. This positive response has prompted us to continue with DSDS in 2024.”

“Carrot & Stick” from February 11th, 2023 Bohlen against Krasavice: who RTL should throw out!

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