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Giacomo Bocchio-style salted loin: how to prepare this delicious dish and how Chinese migration influenced it

Giacomo Bocchio-style salted loin: how to prepare this delicious dish and how Chinese migration influenced it
The jury of “The Great Famous Chef” tells us how to prepare a dish that symbolizes the rich cultural and gastronomic heritage of Peru. Where Andean potatoes and beef come together in perfect harmony.
Lomo saltado, one of the most popular dishes in Peru.
  • 400 g beef tenderloin, cut into strips
  • 2 huayro potatoes
  • 2 yellow potatoes
  • 1 red onion, cut into thick strips
  • 1 medium tomato, cut into strips
  • 1 yellow chili pepper, deveined and seeded, cut into strips
  • 1 piece of kion (ginger), grated
  • Culantro (cilantro) stems, chopped
  • Chinese onion (chives), chopped (for garnish)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon sillao (soy sauce)
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • Cornstarch (optional, to thicken the sauce)
The Chinese influence in Peruvian gastronomy shines through in this dish: stir-fry techniques, native ingredients, and a history that dates back to the 19th century.
  • Steam the potatoes: In a pot with a little water, place the whole huayro and yellow potatoes. Cover and steam for 30-40 minutes, until fully cooked. Then refrigerate them to cool well.
  • Once the potatoes are cold, cut the huayro potatoes into halves and then into bite-sized pieces. Cut the yellow potatoes into cubes or blocks.
  • Heat enough oil in a large frying pan to 180 degrees. Fry the potatoes in small batches until golden brown and crisp. Drain them on absorbent paper and sprinkle a little salt while they are still hot.
  • Prepare the premix: In a bowl, mix the sillado, the vinegar and a little oil. Booking.
  • Heat wok over high heat until heated through. Then, add a little oil and distribute it in the wok. Add the red onion, tomato, yellow pepper and grated kion. Sauté quickly until fragrant.
  • Remove the ingredients from the wok and reserve. Add a little more oil to the hot wok and fry the strips of tenderloin until golden brown. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Return the previously sautéed ingredients to the wok along with the meat. Add the premix mixture and stir well.
  • Add the chopped coriander stems to give aroma and flavor.
  • If the sauce is very runny, you can add a mixture of cornstarch and water to thicken it. Stir until the sauce is the desired consistency.
  • Serve: On a plate, place the yellow fries and distribute the lomo saltado strips on top. Garnish with chopped Chinese onion and serve hot.
Huancaina noodles with salted loin. (photo: Akipa Restaurant)
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