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Giants dominate the Pirates and approach the semifinals

Giants dominate the Pirates and approach the semifinals

In an exciting match at the Guillermo Angulo Coliseum, the Carolina Giants achieved an important 85-80 victory over the Piratas de Quebradillas on Wednesday in the Quarterfinal series.

With this victory, the Giants strengthen their dominance in the series, taking it 2-0.

The result puts Carolina just two games away from reaching the semifinals and eliminating the leader of their group.

Standing out in the game, Mike Scott was the main figure for the Giants with 23 points and 8 rebounds, while Hassan Whiteside stood out for the Pirates with 21 points and 16 rebounds.

This is what the postseason looks like right now:

  • Pirates of Quebradillas (0) | Carolina Giants (2)
  • Athletics of San German (1) | Santurce crabbers (1)
  • Guaynabo Mets (1) | Arecibo Captains (0)
  • Bayamón Jeans (1) | Indians of Mayagüez (0)
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