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“Girls Day” in the city library

Strengthening girls and pointing out new career opportunities: that is the background to the Austria-wide “Girls Day” on April 27th.

Dornbirn. The city of Dornbirn is taking part in this campaign twice this year. In the city library, girls have the opportunity to get a taste of various MINT professions with a stop-motion workshop. In the town hall, the girls have the opportunity, among other things, to watch the city police officers, gardeners and administrative staff at work. “I hope that we can give the participants new perspectives and, above all, courage in their choice of career,” says Mayor Andrea Kaufmann.

At “Girls Day” girls have the opportunity to work in different MINT professions (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). More than 30 companies present technical, scientific, manual or IT professions in their company. This is how girls meet female role models and women in management positions on site – that inspires and motivates.

Stop-Motion Workshop

In the Dornbirn City Library, everything revolves around stop motion on Girls Day. Stop motion is an animation technique used to create creative films and tell short stories. A stop-motion film is developed together in a playful and explorative way. We come up with a story, build the props and make pictures work.

The program prepared for the participating girls in the town hall starts in the greenhouse of the town nursery. The participants will then be picked up by a bus driver, who will present her job. The bus is accompanied by policewomen who drive the group to the town hall. There is an insight into the job of a police officer. This is followed by a visit to the registry office. Incidentally, in Dornbirn the couples are married by the youngest female registrars in Vorarlberg.

The Austria-wide “Girls Day” is an initiative that has been running for almost ten years, which wants to show girls and young women in particular additional opportunities and possibilities in choosing a career. Girls should be encouraged and motivated to discover technical, manual and scientific professions and training for themselves.

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