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‘Give me a sign’: Mother searches for her 14-year-old daughter, fearing she ran away with a 37-year-old man

Sonia is convinced that her daughter Nawel left with a 37-year-old father. An investigation is opened for “disturbing disappearance” and “corruption of a minor” by the Beauvais prosecution.

Did she run away? Has she been abducted? Since February 24, Sonia has had no news of her 14-year-old daughter, Nawel. That morning, an argument broke out at the family home in Feuquières, in the Oise, after the discovery, on his daughter’s cell phone, of an explicit message from a man much older than Nawel.

“He asked her if she had slept well and called her ‘my little wife'”, recalls Sonia, at the microphone of BFMTV.

Nawel “gets a little angry”, and offers his mother to call the man. His mother complies and “asks him for explanations”.

“At first, he denies. I tell him: ‘it’s not complicated, I’m sure there is something and I’m going to file a complaint'”, explains Sonia.

Nawel then goes out for some fresh air. Around 8:20 a.m., she sends a final message to her mother, saying “Mom, I love you and I don’t want there to be any fuss or trouble.” Despite Sonia’s attempts, her daughter no longer gives any news.

“I tried to make him listen to reason, that it was not normal, that he was 37 years old and she was 14,” says Sonia.

An investigation opened for “disturbing disappearance” and “corruption of a minor”

The latter is convinced that her daughter is in the company of this man, a father, a longtime friend of the family. Sonia filed a complaint, and, according to our information, an investigation has been opened by the Beauvais prosecutor’s office since February 24 for “disturbing disappearance” and “corruption of a minor”.

For almost two months, Sonia has been multiplying wanted notices to find her daughter, especially since her daughter’s cell phone, as well as that of the man she suspects, is unreachable.

“She has the joy of living, she is passionate about everything artistic. I want to tell her ‘come back, or give me a sign, so I know you’re fine’ (…) She can come back when she wants, I wait for her”.

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