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Glorieta de los desaparecidos, place where the faces that did not return home rest

Aurea Rubí Reyes is looking for Jesús Armando, her brother, who disappeared on November 29, 2019 in the Linda Vista neighborhood on Gustavo A, Madero along with two other people Leonel Báez Martínez and Ángel Gerardo Ramírez Chaufón, their faces now pose in The Glorieta of the Disappeared.

Three years and 5 months after her disappearance, Aurea continues to put up posters with the faces of her missingthree young people who worked in the Sanborns restaurant chain and so far the authorities have not expedited the process to have indications of what could have happened that night they disappeared.

.Glorieta de los desaparecidos, place where the faces that did not return home rest. Photo: Odarys Guzman

The Prosecutor’s Office, mentions Aurea, has only been in charge of sending unanswered letters, “until now we have no indication of what happened to them,” adding that it is not an isolated case, since many families go through similar problems and affirm that there are deficiencies in the processes and that the authorities do not work.

Due to the inefficiency of the authorities in resolving the cases, groups and relatives of the disappeared took over the Glorieta a year ago, with the aim of making it a meeting space and visibility for people who are still not located or who were found dead, Jorge mentions Verástegui Gonzalez, activist, seeker and member of the collective La Glorieta de los Desaparecidos.

Mexico City and the State of Mexico are entities with a high number of disappearances, according to the National Registry of Disappeared in Mexico, until May 10, 2023 there are 12,336 missing and unlocated people. Nationally, the number extends to 281 thousand 896.

La Glorieta, a necessary place

Glorieta de los desaparecidos, place where the faces that did not return home rest. Photo: Odarys Guzman

On May 8, La Glorieta de las y los desaparecidos celebrated one year of existence since 2019 when relatives took over the space where the Ahuehuete tree was located with the aim that anyone who passes through one of the busiest avenues in Mexico can contemplate the faces of people who have not returned home.

Aurea, who is part of the Hasta encontrarles collective in Mexico City, mentions that, like the families of Leonel and Gerardo, they have appropriated the space not only for people to post photos of their disappeared, but also to organize social activities. .

“We want this space of memory for them, for the disappeared persons, so that the government and citizens see that there are disappearances and that they are increasing every day.”

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And it is that relatives who are in the demand for justice know that the cases have not decreased, information from the same registry on disappeared persons have documented that during the first two months of 2023 the disappearance of people at the national level increased 11 percent compared to the same period of 2022.

In January and February of last year, 1,742 unlocated people were counted, while in the same months of this year, the number rose to 1,937 people in these circumstances.

For this reason, Aurea and many other relatives demand that the authorities preserve the Glorieta, where they point out “many people pass by” and thus, the faces are not forgotten.

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