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GNTM 2023: Model unpacks about WG time with Heidi Klum

The models were amazed.

For the eighth episode of “Germany’s Next Top Model”, model mom Heidi Klum (49) had a very special surprise in her luggage – and not every top model candidate liked it.

Heidi brought six new models, five of them so-called “Best Agers”, to the set without warning, causing Anya (19) to feel envious. On the other hand, Heidi’s reaction was happier when she met the candidate Nicole (49), who had just arrived: she still knows her from a shared model flat share in Milan.

Zuzel, Charlene, Ina, Nicole, Maike and Marielena (from left to right): Six new GNTM angels for Heidi

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Huebner

Anya etches against newcomers

She has often polarized with “ Germany’s Next Topmodel” – now Anya caused Zoff mood again. Heidi Klum had invited a total of six new candidates to Los Angeles and suddenly presented the other “Meeedchen” with the new roommates Charlene (52), Ina (44), Maike (23), Marielena (52), Zuzel (50) and Nicole (49 ).

They greeted their colleagues happily: “We’re the new ones, we’re going to join them.” And Heidi also confirmed: “These are now officially your fellow campaigners.” Anya was the first to lose facial features – tears flowed with anger: “I think it’s great unfair to us. We’ve already done a good job. They haven’t performed yet!”

GNTM model Anya had no desire for the new model arrivals

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Huebner

Heidi noticed that not every model was happy about more competition, but made it clear: “It could have happened the other way around, then you would have come along as a latecomer. At the end of the day, I’m the boss. And I make the rules.”

However, the newcomers were not spared either: They had to catch up on what they had previously missed in a very short time: the nude photo shoot for the sedcards and two walks.

But here, too, Anya continued to be offended. After Ina’s appearance, she was the only one who didn’t applaud and thus made sure that Cassy (23) spoke clearly: “Anya didn’t applaud. And yes, that’s a bit strange. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s when you don’t begrudge other people.”

The best ager models were allowed to take off their covers for their set cards

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Huebner

Also The lack of reaction did not go unnoticed by Heidi – she asked: “Is everything okay with you? Anya, with you too?” She replied snippy: “Yes, why? I’m fine.” But she couldn’t fool Heidi, who was now clearer: “I see out of the corner of my eye, you’re always a bit like that: I don’t know if I like what we’re doing today. I smelled that from here. I smell things like that.”

Fortunately, Anya’s attack of envy was a thing of the past shortly afterwards: Later she greeted the new guests in a friendly manner in the model villa and realized: “It doesn’t get me any further if I sit stubbornly in the corner.”

Nicole chats about roommate Heidi

During the shoot, one latecomer in particular caused big eyes. Heidi Klum has a story to tell about Nicole: “What you don’t know: Many, many years ago I also won a modeling competition and then went to Paris, Milan and London before I eventually emigrated to America . And then I lived with three or four other models in Milan. And she was one of them!”

Heidi and Nicole already knew each other

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Huebner

She quickly asked Nicole: “Was I at least nice?” She chatted about Heidi out of the box: “You were nice. And I’m often asked: was she like that back then? And then I say: Yes, she was. Even then she was very funny and lively.”

Heidi would have liked to see photos from that time – but Nicole had to fit: “No, we didn’t really have cell phones yet.”

Even as an old acquaintance, Nicole was not spared – she also had to take off her bathrobe for the nude shoot, while Heidi continued to ask: “Why did you stop then? Because of your family, right?”

Nicole’s measurements at a glance. At 49, she’s in great shape

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Huebner

“Yes, that developed differently,” Nicole replied. “I went back to Germany, met my husband and had the children. And I think you went straight to New York, and then I just saw you again in the media.”

While Heidi admired Nicole’s body, Olivia (22) already suspected that even the best-ager models would not let the butter off their bread: “Nicole is the most blatant competition. Every picture sat. Every shot hit the mark.”

Three models have to go

For two of the newcomers, however, everything was over after the first day: Charlene not only fell while walking, but also didn’t knock Heidi off her stool: “The appearance, the turn and the end pose didn’t really inspire me. ”

For Charlene, the top model journey did not continue

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Huebner

The journey was also over for Zuzel, who was caught cold by the news: “I’m a bit sad, I didn’t expect that.”

And a third candidate had to leave “Germany’s Next Top Model”: Leona (21) was sent home by Heidi Klum and guest juror Coco Rocha (34).

Heidi Klum (left) with her guest juror, model Coco Rocha

Photo: ProSieben/Richard Huebner

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