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Goalkeeper of the Cuban soccer team leaves the delegation and stays in the US.

Goalkeeper of the Cuban soccer team leaves the delegation and stays in the US.

The goalkeeper of the Cuban national soccer team, Sandy Sánchez, left the delegation and decided to stay in the United States, shortly after the team’s last game in the Gold Cup.

With Sánchez, the number of players who escaped in the tournament rises to five and to six the total number of members of the delegation, as previously the soccer players Roberney Caballero, Neiser Sandó, Denilson Milánes and Jassael Herrera did so, as well as the team doctor.

With this new leak, there are already 34 Cuban athletes who have decided to leave delegations to carve out a path for themselves, without ties to the regime’s National Sports Institute (INDER).

The figure of 34 leaks already exceeds more than half of the 62 that were registered in the entire year 2022.

Cuba closed its performance in the 2023 Gold Cup with three defeats in the same number of games and only three goals scored, two of them achieved in its last appearance against Canada.

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