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Goalkeeper of the Cuban soccer team leaves the team in the United States


The goalkeeper of the Cuban soccer team, Sandy Sánchez Mustelierleft the team’s team after the last Gold Cup game against Canada, according to the sports media PlayOff Magazine.

After the flight of the Cuban goalkeeper, 29 years old and a native of the Manatí municipality, in Las Tunas, there are already five soccer players who escaped from the national team during the celebration of the 2023 Gold Cup in the United States.

The others were the players Roberney Caballero (28 years old); Neiser Sandó (24); Denilson Milanes (20) and Jassael Herrera (20), who left the team before the squad traveled to Houston for its first game.

According to the aforementioned media, in the last few hours, in addition to the abandonment of the team’s goalkeeper, the team’s doctor was added to the list.

The Cuban team closed its performance in the 2023 Gold Cup with three defeats and only three goals scored, two of them achieved in its last appearance against Canada.

In 2019, four Cuban soccer players also left the team that was competing in the Gold Cup in the United States.

In this case, Reynaldo Pérez from Pinar del Río and Luismel Morris from Camagüey were the last to escape, after the news broke that captain Yasmani López and midfielder Daniel Luis Sáez had deserted.

Those four casualties equaled the historical record in this competition, which dated back to 2015, when soccer players Ariel Martínez, Keiler García, Arael Argüelles and Darío Suárez also left the team.

In 2021 Cuba was left out of the event because its players did not receive visas to travel.

In this case, the Confederation of North America, Central America and the Caribbean of that discipline (CONCACAF) expressed that unfortunately, due to problems related to the pandemic and the diagnostic tests that were required, Cuba’s match against French Guiana in the preliminary round did not Would be carried out. The Cuban Soccer Association lashed out at the US government for denying visas to athletes.

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