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God raises them: Bussi and Milei announced electoral agreements for Tucumán

“We attended the cordial invitation extended by the libertarian leader at the headquarters of his party in the City of Buenos Aires, which was also attended by leaders from different sectors of the libertarian youth and representatives of productive sectors,” Bussi published about the meeting on his Twitter account.

Ricardo Bussi’s tweet

The FR referent maintained that “Javier is aware of the provincial problems” and stated that “in order to collaborate and start a joint effort, both parties have agreed to develop projects that will allow Tucumán to recover from so many years of prostration “.

Bussi said that a new meeting between leaders of both parties will be held in March of this year, with the aim of “diagramming a work plan in the search for concrete solutions for the province.”

In addition, he announced that Milei will visit the province on May 8. On September 30, Milei arrived in Tucumán and was received by Bussi, and on that occasion both leaders held an act in the Alberdi square in the provincial capital seeking to consolidate the project of the leader of La Libertad Avanza with a view to the presidential elections. of this year.

Months later, in December, Bussi announced that he will compete as a candidate for governor in the provincial elections on May 14, in which lieutenant governor, provincial legislators, mayors, councilors, and community commissioners will also be elected.

At that time, the son of the repressor Antonio Bussi assured that he had the support of Milei. The Tucumán party was founded by the repressor Antonio Bussi, who was the military controller of Tucumán during the dictatorship and later, already in democracy, managed to be governor of the province by popular vote between 1995 and 1999.

Ricardo Bussi defended his father when he was convicted in the Trial of the Boards in 1985, where he was found guilty of kidnapping, murder and embezzlement for the actions carried out, but he benefited from the Laws of Due Obedience and Full Stop. Likewise, Bussi also showed support for the repressor when he was found guilty again with the reopening of the trials in 2008 and sentenced to life.

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