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Goodbye Mosquitoes: A New Study Reveals The Smell That Keeps Them Away

The mosquitoes They can be both annoying and dangerous. Not only do they cause itchiness that can make you sleepless, but they can also spread deadly diseases like malaria and dengue fever. It’s no wonder many people are actively looking for ways to repel mosquitoes and keep themselves safe.

Luckily, there are several proven methods of combating mosquitoes and their annoying bites. But one of the most peculiar methods is to use the smell. How can you deter these pesky insects? Let’s find out what smell repels mosquitoes.

Some aromas repel mosquitoes.

Scientists have studied the behavior of mosquitoes to determine the best ways to scare them away. One of the most important things to find out is what attracts mosquitoes, as that is the first step in learning how to get rid of them.

What they use mosquitoes to detect humans and other targets is its keen sense of smell. The olfactory organs of mosquitoes can detect exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2), which we all produce when exhaling. This is how they can find us more easily at night, even in the dark.

Some repellents are effective.

In addition to CO2, mosquitoes they can also identify other human odors. Our bodies release certain compounds, such as lactic acid and other bodily compounds, that can attract these pesky insects.

natural mosquito repellents

Now that we know what attracts mosquitoesLet’s see what deters them. One of the most popular natural methods is to use spicy essential oils like citronella, eucalyptus, and lavender. These strongly scented oils are very effective at repelling mosquitoes and other insects. You can easily find these oils at your garden store or online.

Citronella candles usually work very well.

But these essential oils can be used for more than just repelling insects like mosquitoes. Studies have shown that the volatile compounds found in many of these oils may also provide various therapeutic benefits to humans.

Other natural methods to get rid of mosquitoes include using plants such as aniseed, thyme, oregano, and basil. You can plant them in your garden or just have them in pots around your house. The strong aromas produced by these plants help create an undesirable environment for mosquitoes.

Some herbs can repel mosquitoes.

Dove and Simple soaps have also been proven effective in repelling mosquitoes. These soaps are fragrance free, rather lathering and used to trap and repel insects due to their obstructive nature which threatens your respiratory system.

What smell scares mosquitoes the most?

Until now, the most effective scent to repel insects mosquitoes It has been the smell of coconut. On the other hand, the researchers are still not sure if it is the coconut smell itself or the combination of other scents and perfumes used.

Keeping them away is the key.

In any case, scientists agree that essential oils like clove, anise, and basil are also excellent options for repelling mosquitoes, as well as killing them. In addition, scented candles and incense are also a good way to create a pollution-free environment. mosquitoes.

Finally, scented candles and incense also help get rid of these bugs and create a pleasant environment for you and your family.

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