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Goodbye to the corridos lying down in Cancun, what do people think?

Because the Cancun City Council will no longer grant permits for public concerts by musicians or bands that incite violence and drug use, singers like Featherweight or Natanael Cano, main exponents of the lying down corridos, will no longer be able to be heard.

The news, confirmed by the mayor Ana Patricia Peraltahas taken the people of Cancun by surprise, who have divided opinions, because while some consider it an excessive measure, others applaud the decision, saying that the lying corridos attack children and youth, so they must be stopped.

“It’s okay, because I couldn’t call them ‘songs.’ The truth is, they are very ugly and it is not good for children to listen to this type of song because they say a lot of profanity. I agree that education begins at home, but you do not control what children see or hear on the street,” he says. Elide del Castillo42 years old.

elide del castillo

Carolina Torres, 40, agrees that it is a good measure, because children have no criteria to decide if the corridos lying down are good or not.

Carolina Torres

“It is positive, especially because the content is taken care of for people who are not prepared for it, such as a minor who has no basis to defend himself or avoid it and does not have criteria to know if he is suitable or not.”

The young man Daniel Cahuic21, believes that this type of music makes it easier for minors to normalize violence.

Daniel Cahuic

“In that case it is fine, because it encourages drug trafficking. Obviously, in the case of those who are children, the youngest, listening to this type of song would only make drug trafficking and violence something normal, the same happens with reggaeton, which sexualizes women. I do agree that it has been banned.”

citizens against

For Dulce Yaneli Moo Cutz34 years old, this measure is inadequate, since he considers that education should begin at home.

sweet moo

“I don’t see anything wrong with listening to those songs. In fact, people have the right to listen to the music they want and wherever, music is free and the fact that there is violence does not mean that it is because of the songs. That depends on the people and the education their parents gave them.”

Tamara Villagran27, agrees, as it is an issue that involves freedom of expression.

Tamara Villagran

“I think that it is not right that they take away the popular culture and the free expression that we have. I think that if what they want to avoid is that children are under the influence of bad things, that starts at home. It is up to the parents, who must teach them what is and what is not right. If you only take away what is not right, how are you going to teach them what is not right?

While, Minerva Espinoza39, believes that, instead of banning this music in public spaces, the authorities should focus on combating violence.

Minerva Espinoza

“I think that the authorities should pay attention to combating insecurity and not prohibiting these types of songs. If there are these types of songs, it is because there is consumption of these substances and they do nothing to avoid it. The fact is that there are a lot of executions here, a lot of sale of drug and they very well thank you”.

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