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Google employees find out they’re being fired because their badge no longer works

The Alphabet group, parent company of Google, announced last week a vast layoff plan for 12,000 people worldwide.

It was necessary to be very early in the morning, on January 20, to discover with amazement his dismissal. Google, which announced the elimination of 12,000 jobs around the world, warned the people concerned by an email early in the morning, so that some unfortunate people did not have time to check their mailbox before arriving at the work.

As the American site Business Insider tells us, it was only by noticing that her entry badge no longer worked that a New York employee realized that she was no longer part of the company.

Terminated before her maternity leave

Another ex-employee tells the site that all employees had to scan their badge on Friday morning when they could, until now, simply present it to security guards to enter the building. A good reminder for those who have forgotten to check their emails.

In the United States, dismissal procedures are generally expedited. An 8-month pregnant woman, who was about to go on maternity leave, was kicked out of Alphabet (Google’s parent company) by this simple email. Another employee, dismissed after twenty years of presence, experienced this dismissal as “a slap in the face”.

Alphabet is the latest tech giant to massively lay off its staff. Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft had previously announced similar plans. According to the website Layoffs.fyitech companies have cut 60,000 jobs since the start of the year.

Thomas Le Roy Journalist BFM Business

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