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Google is developing a new AI-powered search engine

Google is reportedly developing an “all-new” AI-powered search engine to give users a more personalized experience. The firm is also preparing new AI features for its existing search engine.

Faced with growing competition from ChatGPT and Microsoft, which has integrated DALL-E into Edge, Google is working hard to not be left behind in the race for artificial intelligence. Indeed, Google would be in the process of developing a “ brand new » search engine boosted with AI to offer users a « much more personalized experience by anticipating what they want to search for.

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In addition to its Bard chatbot improving to crush OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google would therefore like to have a new search engine dedicated to artificial intelligence. As The New York Times revealed in a new report, Google is in the early stages of creating this search engine. The Mountain View giant would also develop a suite of new artificial intelligence features.

Google is preparing new AI-powered features

The New York Times got hold of internal documents that detail a suite of new AI features to improve Google’s current search engine. These features under the code name “Magi” are created by 160 developers, designers, engineers and executives. They aim to compete with the version of ChatGPT integrated into Bing.

Among the various new features, there would be a chatbot capable of answer software engineering questions and generate code snippets. Users could also search for music by chatting with the chatbot. A feature called “Searchalong” in Chrome would allow a chatbot to scan a web page being read to offer contextual information. Other features are also being developed for Chrome. “GIFI” would generate images via Google Images and “Tivoli Tutor” would help users to learn a new language by chatting with a chatbot.

Finally, the suite of new “Magi” features should be announced next month at the I/O 2023 conference. The new features would be available to 30 million users in the United States by the end of the year. We do not yet know when they will be available for the rest of the world.

Source : Engadget

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