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Google Meet now allow me to censor and colleghi that you infastidiscono | Tom’s Hardware

Google is giving a hand to tutti gli utenti di meets che non desidera no vedere più del dovuto during the call or simply non vogliono distractioni. The new function allows infatti to hide those present in chiamata singularly, keeping the audio ma nascondendo the video.

The block can be useful to prevent eventual disturbances, in case if it is little tolerant with the background of a colleague or a certain incompetence that does not fly. The notification of deactivation Of the video of a person will not see the invitation to direct interest, all this way of other functions of the block its diverse piattaforme. Inoltre, the layout of the meeting will not change for none of the participants.

In addition, if it is a silent operation that is effective through the mobile and desktop applications, walking around the cast of the presenters, the feed will turn off and press the three points according to the name, it will be enough select the option “Do not save”.

However, the function is probably the most interesting for now reserved for smartphones and tablets. Si tratta infatti della possibilità di disactivare tutti i video tranne quello della persona che sta presentando. By far, it is enough to select the option “Audio only” when you access the virtual stanza.

With this news, the Colosso di Mountain View does carry a step ahead of Microsoft and Zoom, which offers this possibility only to those who have created the stanza.

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