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Google will create professional advertisements with artificial intelligence

  • Google will use generative AI to create agency-like ad campaigns.
  • Meta Platforms also aims to use generative artificial intelligence to create banner ads before the end of the year.
  • There are concerns that AI-based ad creation tools will spread false information that could harm brands.

“Generative AI is unlocking a world of creativity and advertising is part of this,” Google says in an internal presentation titled “AI Powered Ads 2023” to which he had access Financial Times.

It is that Google, like other large technology groups, are competing to incorporate the new innovative technologies related to artificial intelligence in their products.

As noted in the document, Alphabet plans to introduce generative AI to its advertising business in the coming months. The company’s idea is to start using these developments to create novel ads based on materials produced by human marketers.

Google already uses AI in some of its advertising strategies, but so far it has only done so in creating simple ads that encourage users to buy products.

The idea is now broader: with the integration of generative AI, which uses the Bard chatbot among other products, Google hopes to create much more sophisticated advertising campaigns, Similar to what marketing agencies do.

Based on what you see in the presentation, advertisers will provide the “creative” content, such as images, video, and text related to a particular campaign. And then artificial intelligence will “remix” those inputs to generate an advertising campaign based on the audiences it intends to access. Other materials will also be incorporated into the “mix”, such as the sales target, for example.

AI in Advertising: Target Too

Mark Zuckerberg’s company, Meta Platforms, announced in early April that it aims to use generative artificial intelligence to create ads for different brands before the end of the year.

He confirmed it in an interview with Nikkei Asia Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth.

The executive said that Meta is developing tools to generate advertising with artificial intelligence that will help brands create different images for different audiences.

“We will start to see some of the developments linked to the commercialization of the technology this year,” Bosworth told Nikkei Asia. “We just created a new team, the Generative AI team, just a couple of months ago; they are very busy,” he added.

According to Meta’s CTO, it’s the area in which they spend the most time along with Mark Zuckerberg and CPO Chris Cox.

Recall that earlier this year, Zuckerberg said that a new division focused on artificial intelligence tools had been created under Cox’s leadership.

Meta is reportedly experimenting with AI-powered chats on both WhatsApp and Messenger, as well as creating filters for Instagram generated in the same way.

False information, a risk for brands that use AI

Going back to Google, the concern is that new ad creation tools will spread misinformation and hurt brands, as text produced by AI chatbots can confidently claim falsehoods.

The truth is that it will be optimized only to convert new customers, chatbot does not care if what it says is true or not.

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