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Got annoyed with Erik Sæter: – Like being with a child

The three Torpet celebrity participants, Ingeborg Myhre (47), Eli Kari Gjengedal (51) and Erik Sæter (26), have settled in on the farm.

Now it is care of the animals, cooking and cleaning that are on the agenda – in addition to weekly assignments.

However, there is one participant who reacts particularly to the distribution of work tasks. Because according to Myhre, there are some who contribute more than others at Torpet celebrity.

– Just like the children do

The Lotto presenter arrived at the farm with her best friend Gjengedal. They are used to being on holiday together, and say in the first episode that they are going on “the nicest cabin trip ever”.

Both have children at home and they were now going to travel away from them. But life in Torpet was not so different from everyday life at home. Because when the duo met the 26-year-old fellow participant Sæter, they felt that they were reunited with life as a mother.

– It was like being with my children, only that I can’t yell at Erik as much, laughs Myhre when TV 2 meets her at the premiere party for the programme.

– It was like being with a child who slept, ate, went to the toilet. Just like the kids do. Do as little as possible and don’t clean up after yourself, she adds.

Thought it was funny

Gjengedal, on the other hand, had a different approach to the situation than Myhre.

– In principle, I completely agree, but I think Erik is so sweet. I’m used to little boys at home, so I’m used to picking things up after them. For me it wasn’t as much of an irritation perhaps as it was for you, she says to Myhre.

– So I, who am over 50 years old, think that getting an insight into the life of a 26-year-old boy’s world is incredibly shocking, fascinating and funny. So I loved listening to everything he talked about.

– Could have been my mothers

Sæter himself says that he assisted as much with milking and farm care as he was asked. He also believes that all of the practical tasks associated with the weekly assignments fell to him.

– There were two of them and I was one, so it was easy for them to decide – and as far as I remember, I never said no to anything they asked me for help with, says Sæter and adds:

– So absolutely, I feel I did a lot.

Myhre and Gjengedal say that they felt several times that Sæter was their “child” on the farm. He believes this is due to several reasons.

– I think that it was a gimmick on their part for fun, but also that it became very natural for them to “look after” me. After all, they are both very classic housewives with children who are much closer to my age than they are.

– They could both have been my mothers, and I think it was probably in everyone’s interest that they were responsible for both food and housekeeping, he says with a twinkle in his eye.

See Stupid celebrity Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays on TV 2 Play.

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