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Government of Dina Boluarte dismisses 312 sub-prefects who had been appointed by Pedro Castillo

The government of Dina Boluarte continues with its dismantling of the network of political operators of Pedro Castillo and dismissed 312 district sub-prefects from 23 regions of the country, who had been appointed during the government of the former president detained today, who was vacated less than three weeks ago, after giving a coup.

ALSO READ: Pedro Castillo: What is the case of irregular promotions about?

During his tenure, Castillo Terrones had appointed as prefects and sub-prefects teachers related to Fenatep, a union that derived from Conare-Sutep, the most radical faction of the teaching profession. Also to people related to Peru Libre and, even, to signatories of the Movadef planillions, the political arm of the terrorist group Sendero Luminoso.

One of the 312 sub-prefects removed yesterday is that of La Victoria, Jesusa Ccori Fundar, endorsed with her signature Movadef’s request to be a political party, according to an investigation by the newspaper El Comercio. According to said media, 41% of the prefects and sub-prefects appointed by the former president were members of the pencil party.

At the beginning of 2022, Pedro Castillo met in the Palace with several of the sub-prefects appointed in his Government.


The region where the highest number of dismissals was recorded was Ayacucho with 46. Precisely, the protests against the Boluarte Zegarra administration and Congress left 10 deaths in that area of ​​the country. The deaths of these citizens are investigated by the Public Ministry.

In San Martín (34), Junín (33), Puno (31), Cajamarca (19), Lima Provinces (17), Cusco (16) and Huancavelica (15) there was also a high number of dismissed district sub-prefects.

They are followed by Loreto (14), La Libertad (14), Huánuco (13), Ucayali (9), Áncash (8), Lambayeque (8), Amazonas (7), Apurímac (6), Tacna (6), Moquegua ( 5), Madre de Dios (3), Lima (3), Arequipa (1), Pasco (1) and Piura (1). In previous days, another 17 sub-prefects had also presented their resignation letter.

Directorial Resolution No. 403-2022-IN-VOI-DGIN – signed by Benigna del Carmen Aguilar, General Directorate of the Interior Government of the Ministry of the Interior (Mininter) – also provided that the dismissed authorities “must formulate and present sworn statements of assets and income”, as well as interest.

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The president of the Council of Ministers, Luis Alberto Otárola Peñaranda, spoke on Twitter about these dismissals, assuring that these positions will now be filled by suitable people. “Sign with the meritocracy. Fulfilling our commitments and as we announced, the appointments of 312 district sub-prefects in 23 regions of the country were concluded,” the Prime Minister published.

“Peruvians need suitable authorities and officials, for this reason people recognized and distinguished by their community will be appointed to the positions of prefects and sub-prefects, regardless of their political color and clear democratic vocation,” added Otárola.

The Prime Minister, Alberto Otárola, spoke on his social networks.


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