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Government proposes rules to deal with excessive heat at work

Government proposes rules to deal with excessive heat at work

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Tuesday proposed a new rule to address the excessive heat in the workplaceas high temperatures in the United States kept tens of millions of people under heat advisories.

If approved, the measure would protect some 36 million American workers of workplace heat-related injuries and would establish the first major federal safety standard of its kind. Those affected by excessive heat on the job include farmworkers, delivery workers, laborers, gardeners and people who work in enclosed spaces such as warehouses, factories and kitchens.

President Joe Biden was scheduled to discuss the initiative Tuesday in remarks following a meeting on extreme weather.

Despite growing awareness of the risks posed to human health by high temperatures, no protections have been introduced for people exposed to wind chills exceeding 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius).

The proposal would require employers to identify heat hazards, develop emergency response plans for heat-related health problems and provide training to employees and supervisors on the symptoms and signs of heat illnesses. They would also have to provide breaks, shade and water and gradually develop tolerance for high temperatures for new employees.

Penalties for heat-related violations in the workplace could rise significantly, in line with those imposed for breaching occupational health and safety regulations, a government official said.

Heat-affected workers at work

An estimated 2,300 people will die in the United States from heat-related health problems in 2023. Workers with prolonged exposure to extreme heat are among the most vulnerable to associated health risks such as heat stroke and other illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

As the hottest month of the year begins, millions of Americans will be at increased risk for heat stroke, dangerous dehydration and heat-related cardiac stress.

The Department of Labor has been developing a standard for how workplaces deal with heat since 2021, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) held meetings this year to learn how the proposed rules would affect small businesses.

Heat protection laws in the United States have faced strong opposition from industry, including chambers of commerce and other business organizations. Many say it would be difficult to introduce a generic standard across a wide range of sectors.

California, Colorado, Oregon, Minnesota and Washington are the only states with workplace rules on heat exposure. Some have recently come under attack from Republicans. In the past year, Florida and Texas, led by Republican governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, have passed rules to prevent local governments from imposing heat protections for outdoor workers.

If approved, the Biden administration’s rule would take precedence over state measures, and states with procedures already in place for dealing with heat would have to introduce measures that are at least as strict as the federal rule.

Source: AP

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