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Government summons Colo Colo for funeral procession at the Monumental Stadium

Eduardo Vergara, Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, referred to the embarrassing episode that took place last Monday in La Ruca after nearly 80 baristas entered by force to fire a recently deceased fan.

© Guille SalazarGovernment summons Colo Colo for funeral procession in the Monumental.

An embarrassing episode took place last Monday at the Monumental Stadium, after a series of baristas forced their way into the Arica sector along with a funeral procession to bid farewell to a recently deceased fan.

Hours later, Colo Colo delivered his version of the events, assuring that the individuals entered violently and intimidating the security guards of the compound. In addition, they affirmed that they have already filed a complaint with the Carabineros.

Government summons Colo Colo for funeral procession in the Monumental

As expected, the government raised their voices regarding this situation and in conversation with Radio Cooperativa, the Undersecretary for Crime Prevention, Eduardo Vergara, summoned the Cacique and gave him a deadline to send them the details of the case.

In the first instance, the authority maintained that “we have given the club 24 hours to give us an answer to what happened, because it is a private venue and there is a law that is for coexistence in professional soccer stadiums. There is a responsibility towards those who organize direct and related events”.

Along the same lines, he assured that “preliminarily we know that this group of people was allowed to enter. What we are not clear about, and the club has to clarify to us within this period, if there was intimidation against the guard or the person who was at the door, etc.

“Although there is a responsibility of the sports clubs, also and clearly the responsibility to protect belongs to the State, and it is our task as a Government regarding security. What do I want to say: there are clear responsibilities granted by law, but this does not mean for any reason that as a Government we are disassociating ourselves from the responsibilities of what happened there, ”he added.

Finally, Vergara was clear in pointing out that “we hope that in the next 24 hours the club will clarify what happened and we will have the information on the table. In simple, this cannot happen, the floor is that. For many years, what has happened in the stadiums has meant a number of police resources that could perfectly well be elsewhere.

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