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‘Governor Hochul has betrayed us: congestion rate

'Governor Hochul has betrayed us: congestion rate

With signs in hand and loudly, protesters told the Governor that she was a traitor, that she had let them down and that the decision to pause the congestion pricing program was a setback to the more than 15 years that it has been has been working to make the collection of tolls to enter Manhattan from 60th Street southward a reality.

“We have waited 15 years for the benefits that congestion pricing will bring to the city, 15 years for billions of dollars to invest in our public transportation system, longing for cleaner air and cleaner streets. and less traffic,” said Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine.

As in any controversy, there are both sides here, there are also those who are happy that this charge is not made, such as the president of Staten sland, the mayors of several cities in New Jersey who have filed lawsuits to stop this charge, as well as residents of lower Manhattan. And of course the drivers.

“What the governor is doing is protecting her job, because she knows that she will soon be fired. This is not about the climate, this is not about the planet, this is political. They are abusing people because it is known that this is a robbery against the New Yorker, not against the taxi driver and we are celebrating this victory today,” said Raúl Rivera, activist, NYC Drivers Unite.

The billions of dollars that would be raised were intended to improve the subway train system, stairs, elevator access and for the MTA buses.

“Well, there are many train stations that already had these projects ready, that the MTA obviously already had the intention of improving them. To improve the signals of the trains, of the buses, everything was already ready for more to enter the state economically. “So obviously we are very disappointed that the governor is doing that, not her promise,” said Mayra Aldás, organizer, Riders Alliance.

“Governor Hochul has betrayed us, and don’t believe when she says it’s a delay, it’s an attempt to kill the congestion pricing project, we need federal help for this project and if Donald Trump wins in November, this toll will never will happen,” said Brooklyn Councilman Lincoln Restler.

“Obviously it is a very big setback, we are three weeks away, the cameras were already ready in Colombus Circle, everything was ready for it to be implemented,” added Aldás. “A lot of community outreach has been done, a lot of testimonials have been said where people and New Yorkers here have told us over and over again this is what the city needs”

Mayor Adams has indicated that as authorities they must ensure that congestion pricing is not a double burden for New Yorkers.


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